December 4, 2013

This blog will continue on a new blog called, iAMaBOOK.



I think its illegal.

November 18, 2013

a girl's collage twoThis is one of those collages in which I don’t have a clue. Maybe I was drunk when I created it. Although I don’t drink when I create. I think its illegal. Its’ called ‘a girl’s collage’. Maybe that’s a typo.

N… by P…

November 17, 2013

20 minutes or its free..Pizza was invented in Naples. By Polynesians.

I’m going to smack him

November 16, 2013

Temple on the mountThe next time a guy tells me that he loves women, I’m going to smack him on the back of the head.

An exact copy

October 21, 2013

Mike Duffy's Pillow TalkPhotography is only about 150 years old. But for the masses, it has only been relevant for the last 100. Painting though older has always been for a small minority of rich folks. In a thousand years or perhaps less we will have galleries of photos and will see for the first time if the human face (your face) keeps repeating itself. Someone 5 generations from now may find out that you are an exact copy.

JT takes a bath

October 18, 2013

Johnny  Terreri takes a bathv2Johnny Terreri was probably one of the least known Presbyterians of his time.

Canadian Camper

October 10, 2013

Canadian Camping2

Broken hearted

October 9, 2013

Broken hearted..

Unless I fall asleep

October 5, 2013

And then there was a knock at the doorI’m not fond of theatre. Its all so staged. But my main beef is that I become over stimulated. Ideas start exploding in my head and I can’t follow the action on the boards. And it doesn’t matter if its Agatha Christie or Shakespeare, the ideas just won’t stop. Unless I fall asleep.

An argument amongst lovers

October 3, 2013

An argument amongst loversI rented a house one summer in downtown Toronto. Our neighbours were lesbians. One afternoon they got drunk and had a fistfight in their backyard. It was pretty violent. There were others there. Friends, I think. They just watched. My girlfriend at the time phoned the police. Later she told me that she felt guilty about it.