Are we the centre of the universe? I thought that this went out with Galileo. But then quantum mechanics came along. And the observer. On a molecular level, the observer changes reality by observing. Now we have a series of new prophets who suggest that we create reality. Through imagination. Reality to them is the Matrix. (see movie. I mean it. See the movie.)

If we can change reality by observing then…. (And this is where they get odd.) we can create reality by a force of mind, by our consciousness. Look at the power we could have as a group. (Think Knights of Columbus) This is also where things get political. What if Republicans control the group? What about the Chinese? What about the papacy?

Of course we are not the only conscious beings. Squirrels could also create reality. If there were enough of them. Remember, outside of cars, they have no natural enemies in the city. Can you imagine reality created by squirrels. Wouldn’t that be nuts? (I think I’ve already been affected.)

And what if there are other forms of life to whom we haven’t been introduced? Aliens.  And what if they are smart? And what if they won’t give us a vote?

I had to say it

March 17, 2012

Like Plato’s cave. Blogging. What is on the screen does not exist. In the internet. The internet. Like a series of numbers.

The numbers are 1 and 2. On and off. But that is just translation.

The reality (to us) is chaos. Like watching the interference on your television when there are no channels.

A friend of mine spent hours watching interference. He was on acid. I asked him why. He said he couldn’t help himself. It was like a magnet.

The interference is where everything is. Not yet divided, tagged, and filed.  Interference is the treasure. The sun. The source of all light. Of reality. Except for one.

Consciousness. Consciousness creates reality. Creates the universe.

Not just human consciousness. Any consciousness.

If I read this on another blog, I would think that the author was pretentious. Explaining everything by saying nothing. Or. That he was mad. Speaking tongues. Drivel. Or that he was putting me on. Pulling my leg. Having some fun. Guilty on all counts.

But I had to say it. It was like a magnet.

I am wrong

October 1, 2011

I am wrong. Do doubt. But then again. What if I were right? I’m trying to be crafty here. To get you to… It seems to me that the internet is becoming something else. Read the following blog if you want to see how complicated all of this is becoming. Its certainly beyond my comprehension. But. Do you feel the shadow of something over your shadow when you’re working on things on the net or just surfing. It will probably not be anything like the movie, The Matrix. what if we are viewing the initial stages of a new life form? I’m sure this thought delights the conspiracy theorists. Information, people’s thoughts, images, feelings etc. are being poured into this new… I don’t know what to call it. And the next question is of course, how would we know if it is alive?